2013, Number 6
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Medisur 2013; 11 (6)
Development management, science institutions and local systems of innovation
Castro PNA, Díaz DJ, Benet RM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 614-627
PDF size: 313.13 Kb.
An analysis on the necessary relationship among
development management, science institutions and
local innovation systems was conducted in the
province of Cienfuegos, Cuba (Case study), in order
to develop an action plan to ensure the coordination
of development management, science institutions
and local systems of innovation as a continuous
improvement process, which is accompanied by a
system of indicators to assess the performance of
science institutions and to enhance its effectiveness
and efficiency in terms of local development. Expert
consultation was used as research method. Its
results defined the aspects to consider for the plan,
in line with the role that science institutions need to
play to integrate science, technology, innovation and
environment through interfaces in a balanced way.
The major conclusion of the study is that the
integration of science, technology, innovation and
environment management through science
institutions, which are interrelated by local
innovation systems, requires an adaptation of their
actions to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in
performance conducive to development. Plan
assessment was conducted at theoretical and
practical level.
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