2014, Number 1
Intervention in knowledge, beliefs and risk perception about sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 11-18
PDF size: 140.38 Kb.
Introduction: in general, sexually transmitted infections, and specially, HIV/AIDS constitute a serious health problem in adolescents and young people, as well as, the risk of suffering them is close related to sexual behaviour, ways of protection, knowledge, perception risk, and some other factors.Objectives: to increase knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS, and to achieve a change of mentality and risk perception in students of the Faculty of Health Technology from Cerro municipality, Havana in relation to these diseases.
Methods: a quasi-experimental study of intervention in the educational institution of the Faculty of Health Technology, in Cerro municipality, by means of the established methodology in the manual; in which participative, affective, animated and reflexive techniques were used with promoter teachers previously trained on these topics, who subsequently reply the topics to their students. Sample was constituted by 453 students belonging to four specialties of this institution.
Results: an increase in levels of knowledge, beliefs and risk perception is evidenced, with an increase of percentage indexes of 38,6, 18,4 and 15,4 respectively.
Conclusions: methodology used in the manual is useful in order to increase knowledge, as well as, to achieve a change of mentality and risk perception through the assistance of teachers previously trained as promoters and facilitators.
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