2013, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2013; 5 (2)
Intralaryngeal ectopic thyroid tissue
García EI, Jiménez GW, González FNE, Sabatier CA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 308-316
PDF size: 133.80 Kb.
The ectopic thyroid is a t hyroid tissue that is not located in its normal anatomical
position. Four groups of ectopic thyroid have been described in t he upper
aerodigestive tract: lingual, sublingual, thyroglossal and intralaryngotracheal tract, the lingual one is the most frequ ent localization. The intralaringo tracheal thyroid is a
strange dysfunction, constituting 7% of all the intratraqueales tumors and it is the
form of ectopic thyroid that more frequently passes unidentified and it originates the
most severe clinic. The ethi opatogenie is not very well -known; There are two
theories that try to explain the appearance of the aberrant ectopic thyroid: the
theory of the malformation and the theory of invasive inside the tracheal.
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