2013, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2013; 5 (2)
Glomerular filtration rate estimated with endogenous markers in children and obese adolescents
Pérez CLM, Herrera VR, Fernández MI, Berlanga AJ, Villacís PD
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 241-252
PDF size: 93.25 Kb.
Introduction. The prevalence of pediatric obesity has reached alarming figures at a
worldwide level. Obesity is closely associated with glomerular hyperfitration,
principally in adults.
Methods. An observational, analytic and prospective study is
presented that includes 202 children and obese adolescents attended in reference
consultation in the Havana Center Pediatric Hospital. In all of the cases, physical
measurements (weight, height, waist circumfe rence) were realized in addition to the
calculation of the body mass index. Blood creatinine values were determined (Jaffé
and enzymatic), cystatin C and glomerular filtrate rate was estimated. Total renal
volume was determined with renal ecography.
Results. Creatinine (Jaffé and
enzymatic) and cystatin C levels was significantly lower in the obese group. The
total renal volume was significantly higher in the obese. The obese group had a
higher glomerular filtrate rate than the normal weight group with all methods. In the
classification of glomerular filtrate rate in the obese group the number of obese with
higher glomerular filtrate rate was significantly higher than obese with normal
glomerular filtrate rate with all methods.
Conclusions. The increase of glomerular
filtrate rate associated of obesity is evident in early ages of the life.
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