2013, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2013; 5 (2)
Incidence of infection related to health care in intensive care units in Cuba
Abdo CA, Castellanos GR
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 179-194
PDF size: 155.49 Kb.
Introduction: Infections related to health care (IRHC) are a major cause of morbidity and
mortality in intensive care units (ICUs).
Objective: To characterize the incidence of IRHC in
Methods: A multicenter, prospective, descriptive and cross, which included patients
from 13 ICUs Cuban adults (n = 1187) for three months. Variables were collected generally
related to the presence of risk factors extrinsic and intrinsic IRHC diagnoses and causative
organisms. There were used as indicators of the frequency of incidence rates and densit ies.
Results: The main risk factors were the use of antibiotics and devices (endotracheal tube and central venous catheter). At least one infection during admission was diagnosed in 25.2% of the sample. The most frequent were respiratory infection, with pr evalence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), 39.5%, primary bloodstream infections and catheter-associated (27.1% / 19.7%). The incidence density of VAP was 32.58‰ day risk factor. The most common organisms isolated were the group of
Escherichia coli y
Staphylococcus spp. The average stay of patients with IRHC was 10.20 days vs. 4.73 days in patients without (p = 0.000). The mortality of patients with IRHC was 41.47% vs. 16.89% in patients without (p = 0.000).
Conclusion: The incidence rates and
densities of IRHC in our series are high and cause an increase of stay and mortality. Design
preventive strategies are warranted and continue annual monitoring.
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