2013, Number 4
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Evid Med Invest Salud 2013; 6 (4)
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of snakebites in Mexico
Zúñiga CIR, Caro LJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 125-136
PDF size: 646.70 Kb.
The snakebite in the world is a health issue that should be paid special attention because of the clinical and epidemiological
situations occurring poisonous snake bites. This problem has the added wrinkle that is usually suffered by individuals of low
income and marginalized populations. In Mexico, while not representing a major health problem, bites by poisonous snakes
are common in certain areas, endangering the lives of patients. The primary responsibility of the ophidian accidents in Mexico
are species of the genera
Crotalus, so the antivenom used to treat bites they must neutralize snake venoms of these
two genres.
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