2012, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (3)
Lifestyle and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes of one urban community from Yucatan, Mexico
Gómez-Aguilar PIS, Avila-Sansores GM, Candila-Celis JA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 123-129
PDF size: 181.64 Kb.
Introduction: The prevention and control of diabetes represent a challenge for people who
have a responsibility on country’s public health.
Objective: To determine the relationship between life style of people with type 2 diabetes
and their metabolic control.
Methodology: cross-sectional study; 45 randomly sampled diabetes patients from Merida
Yucatan, México. Lifestyle in type 2 diabetes patients test (IMEVID) was applied with a
Cronbach’s alfa of 0.81. For anthropometric data: weight, height, body-mass index and waisthips
index calibrated instruments were used, for biophysiological measurements: glucose,
cholesterol and triglycerides Accutrend GCT equipment was used. The statistic analysis to value
significance between variables was made through Pearson correlation in program SPSS 15.0.
Results 80% of participants were female, 73,3% are married, average of 61 years of age and
standard deviation 8.46; 66% had elementary school education. The relationship between
variables was statistically significant with r=,337, p‹.05.
Discussion: Rafael Samaniego et al. point out that for the effective control of the Type 2
diabetes it is important to consider sociodemographic data or patient’s profile, also to take
into account the control indicator (HbA1c or fasting glycemia).
Conclusions: This investigation confirms a relationship between lifestyle and control
parameters of Type 2 diabetes patients; nevertheless it would be important to emphasize
some results and findings to propose specific interventions.
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