2013, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2013; 21 (3)
Clinical practice guide of nursing interventions for the older adult with hip fracture
López-Morales AB, Rangel-Gandarilla RA, Rodríguez-Martínez JL, González-Elizarraraz R, Nieto-Lucio L
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 153-161
PDF size: 183.85 Kb.
Introduction: Worldwide, the population of adults over 60 years of age has grown remarkably rapidly.
The rapid growth of the aging population in Mexico is accompanied by an increase in chronic diseases
and in persons with greater physiological vulnerability. Hip fractures are now a major public health
problem in this country, accounting for 9 out of 10 fractures in people over the age of 60. Hip fracture
is one of the leading causes of accidental death, and one of the most common disabling injuries in
the elderly.
Development: The purpose of this clinical practice guideline is to standardize nursing care of the elderly
with a hip fracture —based on the best available evidence—, and to assist in training and updating
nursing service providers to improve the quality of care. Clinical questions were formulated and a
sequence of search strategies for clinical practice guidelines and related information was established.
It was used a mixed methodology.
The search was limited to papers not more than 10 years after publication in English or Spanish. Compilation
centers of Clinical Practice Guidelines and databases such as Cochrane Library Plus, AHRQ,
SING, GIB, Finisterre and SEGG were used. The AGREE instrument was used, and recommendations
were supplemented by systematic reviews and narrative sorting using the Shekelle scale.
Conclusions: It is expected that the implementation of this Nursing Clinical Practice Guide will improve
the quality of care of elderly persons with hip fractures, and reduce variation in nursing interventions.
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