2013, Number 6
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2013; 17 (6)
Abraham Flexner, Benjamin Bloom and Fidel Ilizástigui Dupuy: paradigms of American medical education
Martínez MA, Miranda MD, Crespo TY
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 202-216
PDF size: 177.53 Kb.
Introduction: the 20th century was rich in experiences in the training of human
resources in health care, from the teacher-centered pragmatic-academicistic
teaching with the pasive-reproductive role of the student, to models with a broader
and more flexible curricular design, derived from the desired professional model, in
which the protagonism of learning is for the learner, and the teacher becomes more
a facilitating agent of teaching, aspiring a graduate with competence for prevention
in health care, promotion, recuperation and rehabilitation. To create this new model
requires a real change in the educational paradigm of the academic environment.
Objective: to assess educational contributions in medical education in the
Americas of Abraham Flexner, Benjamin Bloom and Fidel Ilizástigui Dupuy, and
their contribution to the development of the teaching of Medical Sciences for use by
the group of teachers.
Development: short bibliographical data was highlited: main contributions to the
teaching of medicine in the historical moment lived by each of them, and some
critical references to their works.
Conclusions: It has been concluded that these three personalities from the 20th
century contributed to the development of medical sciences in the Americas, and
thanks to their devotion and perseverance there has been a way from pragmatic
and fragmented models to a superior student-centered medical education
integrated with a communitary approach trascending the 21st century.
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