2013, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2013; 14 (3)
Time of reaction in depressed subjects
Faure TR, Pérez LM, Faure GR, Almirall HPJ, Amador RFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 55-64
PDF size: 468.13 Kb.
The rates of prevalence of depression constitute a serious problem of mental and occupational health yet not resolute. At the country it is not stipulated that of studies characterize a relation of time of reaction (TR) of depressed subjects in front of stimuli of mental requirement. The objective in the present paper was to corroborate that the TR in Cubans depressed patients is more slowly than in control subjects and to know its characterization. An experimental study controlled with 20 subjects was developed, 10 patients with depression and 10 controls without depression. These patients were evaluated with Zung and Conde's test and couplets for age (32,8 ± 8,8 years) and sex (80 % feminine). Subdued to discriminating tasks with three growing levels of complexity, evaluating the time of reaction in his central compo-nents (TC) and motor (TMO). Observed him for the TC that his TR in each of tasks regarding the 10 controls, incremented the depressed for significantly to the17 % (p‹0,05). No succeeding thus for the TMO; Translating this in turn, in a difference of them total time of reaction in both groups, being in the task of bigger complexity of 1,89 s for the depressed, and 0,928 s for the controls (p‹0,03).The errors of omission were low in both groups, and commission's errors evidenced tenden-cies to be older in the patients. One comes to an end than in our condi-tions the subjects that they suffer of depression present a time of more slow reaction than the subjects control, specifically in the TC. Besides this study permits appraising our utility that he may have the incorpo-ration of time of reaction like a complementary element for the diag-nosis of depression.
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