2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2013; 14 (2)
Stress in dentists of the career of Dentistry of Guadalajara University
Pozos RBE, Aguilera VMÁ, Plascencia CAR, Vázquez HDA, Gradilla PWH
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 28-33
PDF size: 328.76 Kb.
Objective: To identify chronic stress levels and associated risk factors of teachers in the Dentistry Major at the University of Guadala-jara.
Material and method: A descriptive, cross-sectional, and asso-ciative design was conducted. The data was obtained by applying the Stress Symptom Inventory (SEI), which variables were gender, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, seniority and hours in front of the group. The study group was formed by dentists from the total study population, obtained by a census in 2009-2010.
Results: A total of 90 dentist teachers, of which 57, (63,3 %) were male, and 33 (36,6 %) female. Their stress levels were: high level, 11 dentists teachers (12,2 %); 63 (70 %) medium, and 16 (17,8 %) low level. Association was found with the medium level of chronic stress and female variable with an OR of 3,52 with 95% CI of 1,07-12,22.
Conclusions: Female dentist teachers have a greater risk for medium levels of chronic stress, unlike the male.
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