2013, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2013; 149 (6)
Factors that predict depression in medical students
Guerrero LJB, Heinze MG, Ortiz LS, Cortés MJ, Barragán PV, Flores-Ramos M
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 598-604
PDF size: 216.61 Kb.
Introduction: High prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms has been observed in medical students. Objective:
To identify predictors of depressive symptoms according to CES-D in students during their first year of medical education.
Methods: We evaluated 517 students in their first year of medical education with the following instruments: Centers for
Epidemiology Studies for Depression Scale, State-Trait anxiety inventory, and stressors list. A linear regression analysis
was carried out to evaluate variables predicting high CES-D scores.
Results: We observed that anxiety and depressive
symptoms were more frequent in women, as well as stressors. Predictors of depression were state of anxiety, stressors,
and low socioeconomic level.
Conclusions: It is important to implement support measures for students who live with
stress factors, suffering anxiety, or with a low socioeconomic level.
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