2013, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2013; 55 (6)
Supply of essential drugs in units specialized in the treatment of chronic diseases in Mexico in 2012
Contreras-Loya D, Reding-Bernal A, Gómez-Dantés O, Puentes-Rosas E, Pineda-Pérez D, Castro-Tinoco M, Garrido-Latorre F
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 618-626
PDF size: 212.24 Kb.
Objective. To quantify the supply of essential drugs and the
fully filled-in prescription level in the Units Specialized in the
Treatment of Chronic Diseases (UNEMES-EC) in Mexico.
Materials and methods. The supply and prescription indicators
were measured in 30 of the 86 existing UNEMES-EC. The
supply of drugs was recorded using a list of 17 essential drugs
related to the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, overweight
and obesity. The information on fully filled-in prescriptions
was obtained through a questionnaire applied to 1 200 health
care users.
Results. Only 13.3% of these units showed a
complete supply of the 17 essential drugs: Supply levels were
higher in units with external drugstore service. 35% of the
interviewed patients reported out-of-pocket expenditures in
Conclusion. UNEMES-EC should improve their
levels of drug supply and fully filled-in prescriptions to reduce
out-of-pocket expenditures.
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