2013, Number 2
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2013; 12 (2)
Space and movement of the caregiver of the person with motor disabilities
Hernández CS, Ojeda VMG
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 68-73
PDF size: 175.51 Kb.
Objective: To analyze and describe the motion space and caregivers of people with motor disabilities.
Methodology: Qualitative research approach was exploratory and descriptive; the informants were four caregivers of people with motor disabilities hospitalized in the Neurological Rehabilitation Service, data were collected through in-depth interview, which was recorded, transcribed and analyzed on the basis discourse analysis.
Results: Analytical theory emerged two categories: space and movement, with the subcategories to space: the need to bathe the person and need to give the person exercises and the second category with the subcategory movement, upward movement.
Conclusions: The space of the caregiver of the person with motor disabilities focuses on self-care activities such as: bathing, feeding, communication, mobilization and therapies, and movement manifests itself through the interactive process of care.
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