2013, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2013; 36 (5)
Conocimientos y actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA: diferencias entre adolescentes españoles con padres casados y divorciados
Carratalá E, Espada JP, Orgilés M
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 387-391
PDF size: 185.95 Kb.
Objective:This study is the first to examine whether the level of knowledge and
the attitudes that a Spanish-speaking sample of adolescents have towards
HIV/AIDS, both variables traditionally associated with risky
practices, differs in function of having married or divorced parents, in
order to determine whether the family situation should be included in
the prevention programs.
Materials and Method:An observational cross-sectional study was carried out in fifteen secondary
schools from five Spanish counties. Participants were 342
adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years, 50% with divorced parents.
Participants completed the HIV/AIDS Knowledge Scale on Spanish
Adolescents and the Scale of Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS.
Results:Adolescents with divorced parents reported more favorable attitudes
towards HIV/AIDS (p ‹ .01; d=0.32), condom use (p ‹ .05; d=0.24),
conducting HIV tests (p ‹ .05; d=0.28), and people living with HIV
(p ‹ .001; 0.32).
Conclusions:The results suggest that divorced parents could transmit to their children
favorable attitudes towards AIDS and prevention methods. Including
sessions with parents in the prevention programs is highlighted, aiming
to encourage parents to transmit their adolescent children positive
attitudes to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
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