2013, Number 3
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Finlay 2013; 3 (3)
Type 2 Diabetes and Pyonephrosis: a Potentially Fatal Complication. A Case Report
Serra VMÁ, Milian ER
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 191-197
PDF size: 212.74 Kb.
Bacterial infections of the urinary tract are a
common problem in daily medical practice. They are
very frequent and severe complications affecting
diabetic patients. Motivation to report this case lies
in its relevance to teaching, and invites reflection on
how clinical practice of this entity is being performed.
We report the case of a patient who started suffering
from pain in the left lumbar region, radiating toward
the front of the abdomen on that side of the body as
far as the thigh, two months before hospital
presentation. The pain was severe, constant and
stabbing; it was relieved by analgesics and
sometimes by bending the leg on that side. In
addition, the patient experienced fatigue, loss of
appetite, nausea, fever (38-39˚C), and burning
sensation with frequent urination of small amounts
of dark urine. Physical examination led to the
diagnostic possibility of obstructive pyonephrosis
which was confirmed by computed tomography.
Medical treatment was applied and a left radical
nephrectomy was performed.
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