2013, Number 4
Nivel de información sobre la importancia de la erupción dentaria en dentición temporal y permanente
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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Dentistry includes health promotion policies, so it is necessary for the health team to understand that the most important thing is not to treat the sick, but to promote the health of people. This is the case of malocclusion, a disease that is inherent in civilization. A preventive philosophy in daily practice has played a preponderant role nowadays. It includes the need to pay greater attention to the causal factors of oral diseases, to prevent their impact on patients’ health, and to diagnose and treat emerging problems. Health education, and actions that are provided, are still insufficient. Therefore, it would be advisable to work from an early age to promote health, which requires the participation of the community to achieve the reduction and eradication of these diseases.REFERENCES
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