2013, Number 1
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2013; 5 (1)
Abuso sexual infantil: una alerta para el personal médico de primer contacto
Zúñiga CIR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 3-10
PDF size: 134.80 Kb.
Child sexual abuse is acknowledged internationally as an important issue. Related dilemmas of forensic ethics- the subject of this review- figure prominently for practitioners of child and adolescent forensics in obtaining legally useful evidence while minimizing the risk to the child of recurrence. The repercussions of child sexual abuse on victims’ future mental health need to be studied better. Evaluation of sexually abused children and adolescents must be accurate to ensure legal validity and be performed with diligence so that alleged victims do not experience recurrence. The primacy of physicians, especially paediatricians and psychiatrists, acting with ethics and respect for human rights. In child sexual abuse situations, just as clinicians must be able to recognize signs of abuse and their physical, psychic and medico-legal implications, so forensic practitioners must also use clinical knowledge. The importance of paediatricians as the first health workers to perceive signs and symptoms of possible child abuse.
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Abuso sexual y pedofilia, Hallado en: http://www.pediatraldia.cl
Zabin H. Conversaciones con un pederasta, Manual para prevenir la pedofilia, España. MR Testimonio, 2005.
Lencioni LJ. Los delitos sexuales, Manual de investigación pericial para médicos y abogados, México. Ed. Trillas; 2006: 114-122.
Sharieff GQ. Spontaneous bruising in a 2-month-old, Medscape Emergency Medicine, Hallado en: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/575987
Benedito, F. Pornografía infantil en internet, abuso de menores, Hallado en: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/48288591/PORNOGRAF%C3%8DA-INFANTIL-EN-INTERNET-ABUSO-DE-MENORES
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Romero SL. Prevención del abuso sexual infantil. Desde la perspectiva de la promoción de los derechos. Hallado en: http://www.psicopedagogia.com/articulos/?articulo=364