2013, Number 5
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2013; 17 (5)
Prosthetic rehabilitation combining implant-natural tooth
Ordaz HE, Rodríguez PEZ, Somonte DH, Marimón TME, Fleitas VD
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 187-195
PDF size: 326.33 Kb.
A partially toothless patient attended to the implantology Service at “Antonio
Briones Montoto” Dentistry Care Clinic in Pinar del Rio city, was referred to the
Prosthetic Service from the health area where he belonged to. He lost the right
lateral-superior teeth when he was younger and had extra-crown preparation in
right superior canine. Different diagnostic stages were considered. Usual
examinations were performed in order to be chosen for the treatment, a Mini
Implant NANO was placed, achieving an adequate primary stability which allowed,
according to the plans, to pass to the prosthetic rehabilitation. Lateral part was
immediately loaded with the combination of implant with natural tooth; this way
was joined rehabilitation of 12 along with 13. The case showed the validity of
implants combined with natural teeth, two elements of different resilience, a rigid
component as the osseous-integrated implant and a less rigid component as the
natural teeth, the natural tooth was considered as a potential mainstay.
Conclusions: this union is a clinical satisfactory treatment and very effective at long
term, mastication, esthetic and phonetic functions provided major comfort and
improved the quality of life with socialization of patients.
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