2003, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2003; 11 (1)
Evaluation of the position of the faculty before the education through two sights
Rico GMIA, Garza PP, Insfram SMD
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 100.88 Kb.
Introduction: In the educative scope, to advance in the critic, it supposes on the part of the professor, to assume a solid point of view (position) to perform that promote the participation of the student towards independent learning.
Purpose: To explore the degree of reflection (position) of the faculty before the education and to appreciate the relation that this one has for its educational performance.
Methodology: Descriptive study in a nursing school of with 14 teachers and 215 survey to students, by means of two instruments, CIE, already validated with 48 reagents that explore: social implications of the education, process of learning, role of the professor and the student, and the evaluation of the educative process, through three indicators: indiscriminate agreement, more popular approach, and consequence.
The second instrument AJPE, is constructed and valued in two rounds of four experts, consists of 64 reagents that explore the role of the professor and the student, a variety of situations for the learning process, the role of the assignments, and the role of the evaluation. It was evaluated in five ranks of participation, from very high, to very low.
Results: The internal consistency of the instrument was of 0.70 two professors reflected a solid athitude (
posture), the students classified their level of participation in the rank of average (39-27), and the degree of correlation between the results of CIE and AJPE, was negative weak (-0.11).
Conclusions: The way that the professor himself defers from how the student sees him. The predominance of the
medium participation in the students, could be due to the little time in which the professor of the school have comprehended the participate strategy.
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