2012, Number 4
Management and outcome of the Scientific Societies. A typic al case: nutrition chapter in Pinar del Rio
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 137-147
PDF size: 120.73 Kb.
Introduction: the importance of Scientific Societies in Health and the outcomes on the training-research processes as well as on the society must be constantly audited.Objective: to demonstrate the level of management and relevance of the “Provincial Chapter in Pinar del Rio of the Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism”, as a typical case.
Material and Method: qualitative paradigm was used through a historica l approach and a documentary analysis about the development and outcomes of a typical case: the provincial chapter has favored the development of research projects related to hospital -clinical nutrition, community nutrition and metabolism.
Results: dissertations of the specialty, master’s degree and the members have participated in national workshops as experts, also in provincial and national events about clinical nutrition and nutritional assessment of HIV/AIDS patients.
Conclusion: this chapter shows the training, educational and scientific tasks that a scientific community can provide to the development of science and to the solution of specific problems to the benefits of the society.
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