2002, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2002; 10 (3)
Evaluation of an educational intervention in the procedure improvement for Cancer Opportune Detection (COD)
Gómez MMJ, Díaz BI, Quiroz PS, Olvera RA, De La Rosa MV
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 137-144
PDF size: 141.16 Kb.
Introduction: An important element, in the DOC-CACU program, is the procedure to take the sample.
Goal: To value the impact of an educative intervention about the procedure to take cervical-vaginal cytologic samples in fertile age population.
Methods and material: In the first stage, a questionnaire with multiple choice answers was applied, in a prospective way, to the people who takes samples; in the second stage, a directed educative intervention was developed and, in the third stage, the same tool was applied again with direct observation of the procedure. The impact was measured comparing the proportion of useful flakes before the analysis, 3 and 6 months after the educative intervention.
Results: 26 questionnaires were applied in the first stage, 51.5% were right answers. In the second stage, it was done the educative intervention with immediate evaluation getting 65.6% of right answers. In the third stage, it was observed 81& of right activities. The flakes evaluation revealed 19& useful before the analysis, 45.6% three months after the course and, 41% in six months.
Discussion: Serious mistakes in the technique, mainly in the recognition of the transformation zone, adequate conditions of the patient, wrong use of material and equipment are bounced in the analysis. They are feasible of correction through directed continuos education, programmed every six months.
Conclusion: The utility of training, promoting and keeping this actions on, by the cyto-technicians, is evident to improve the quality of the whole procedure.
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