2012, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2012; 14 (2)
Presence and vulnerability to neurotic disorders in adult patients with epilepsy
Lorenzo CH, Rojas SGA, Corrales DSE, Suárez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 90-95
PDF size: 220.92 Kb.
Background: Epilepsy is a chronic affection accompanied by different psychic alterations.
Objective: to characterize the presence of neurotic disorders or vulnerability to suffer from them in adult patients with epilepsy. Methodology: a descriptive study was carried out in 30 patients with epilepsy selected incidentally and who came to the service of neurology Sancti Spíritus General Hospital from September 2009 to December 2010.
Results: The majority of the patients presented slight vulnerability to suffer from neurotic disorders while in almost the forth part of the sample the disorder was diagnosed. The most affected diagnostic pattern was the essential paradox. An association between the presence of neurotic disorders and the serious vulnerability with the dominating clinical syndromes, anxiety, depression and psychasthenic, was found.
Conclusions: patients who suffer from epilepsy demand the development of 91
psycho therapeutic strategies like promotion, prevention and education for health, directed by these diagnostic patterns which characterize the presence of a neurotic disorder in the psychological dimension.
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