2013, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2013; 14 (4)
Dysthymia as a nosological entity. Some thoughts on its epidemiology, etiology and diagnostic usefulness
Gallardo-Moreno G, Jiménez-Maldonado M, González-Garrido A, Villaseñor-Cabrera T
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 215-222
PDF size: 114.24 Kb.
Dysthymia as a nosological entity: Some thoughts on its epidemiology, etiology and diagnostic usefulness. Following DSM-IV definition and relevant amount of empirical evidence, dysthymia could be considered as a chronic and mild depressive disorder found in approximately 3% of community populations. Dysthymia causes a significant impairment and is usually characterized by depressed mood, less severe than that in major depression, but with relatively higher impact on cognitive, social, daily-activities and self-esteem. Mainly due to its high comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders and poor clinical stability across time, there is a current debate on the usefulness either to preserve the diagnosis of dysthymia as a unique nosological entity, or regarding time domain, to consider it as an evolutionary stage of depressive and/or bipolar disorder. This paper gathers and discusses relevant historic, epidemiologic, etiologic and clinical characteristics of dysthymia, with the main purpose of contribute to the debate on its clinical usefulness.
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