2013, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2013; 34 (5)
Violación sexual en niños y adolescentes: una urgencia médica
García-Piña CA, Loredo-Abdalá A, Trejo HJ, Casas MA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 288-294
PDF size: 143.57 Kb.
Sexual rape is defined as vaginal, anal or oral sex with violent and
forceful penetration of the penis or of any other object. Patients
who have been raped are a medical emergency which requires
immediate attention, if possible, within 24 to 72 hours, since there is
the risk of sustaining external and internal injuries and of acquiring
a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Detection and Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) have reported that the maximum effectiveness
of HIV prophylaxis is obtained when given within the first 24
to 72 hours post exposure.
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