2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2013; 24 (2)
Design and implementation of the internal information system for the Department of Imaginology of 'Manuel Ascunce Domenech' Provincial Hospital in Camagüey
Lorenzo PM, Tarajano RAO, Bembibre MD, Sánchez HMM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 106-117
PDF size: 136.96 Kb.
Background: in "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" Provincial Hospital in Camaguey, the
Imaginology Service presents stipulated statistical information using a model of
diagnostic means; nevertheless, it does not satisfy the internal needs of the
Objective: to improve the internal statistical information of this department.
Methods: a study about the technological innovation was carried out from January
2011 to November 2012. An interview to the members of the Department of
Imaginology was done and 132 models providing internal data of this service were
analyzed in order to identify the necessary statistical information. Subsequently,
models that collect information of the services were designed through a software
that implements the processing of the data that were not specified in the official
Results: the models and their subsequent automation improved the information
from a security, integrity, reliability and inclusion of the necessary data viewpoint.
The software allowed to calculate possitivity rates of the cases under study and
control the resources and repeated exams what contributed to the effective
processing and recovery of the statistical data, thus favouring the use and the
rational exploitation of the technological resources. The users expressed high levels
of satisfaction with the given information.
Recommendations: it is recommended to carry out an analysis of the
corresponding costs to determine the feasibility of the implementation of the
software from the effective point of view and generalize its installation in health
units that use diagnostic means.
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