2013, Number 2
Safe communities, a world model for injury prevention and safety promotion
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 214-225
PDF size: 56.98 Kb.
Injuries constitute a health problem in the world, so the use of prevention strategies is essential. The Safe Communities Model of the World Health Organization has demonstrated to be successful for injury prevention and safety promotion in countries with different socioeconomic levels. In this model, the community is the protagonist of actions and, depending on the priorities identified, injury prevention programs are directed to age groups and gender, environments and situations, active participation of different sectors, and the use of initiatives and local resources. Sustainability of actions through governmental commitments and alliances among different sectors and organizations are guaranteed. The Latin American region is among those that have higher rates of mortality by injury and there are favorable experiences with the implementation of this model in countries like Chile, Peru, and Mexico which should be extended to other countries in the region.REFERENCES
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