2011, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2011; 1 (2)
Determination nematodes antihelmintic resistence against ivermectin in alpacas (Vicugna pacos)) Puno-Peru
Traverso ACM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 11-20
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Nematodes anthelmintic resistance against of ivermectin was determined in 60 alpacas
among male and female from Alpacas Breeding Center of Regional Government of
Puno – PECSA –Illpa- Puno. The animals were treated with Ivermectin at 200 ncg/Kg
live weight. Feces samples from each animal were obtained every 15 days, 03 samples
before and 03 samples after of the treatment. The parasitic infection level was
determined on the fourth sample. The next day after treatment an antianemic/anabolic
was administered in two doses every 48 hours. After obtaining the fecal samples an
Ovoposition reduction test (FCRT) was carried out. Anthelmintic resistance was
obtained for
Strongylus spp in 100%, followed by
Nematodirus sp and
chavezi, for low, moderate and high infection levels in males and females. The highest
resistance for low infection level in males was
Lamanema chavezi with 79.62%, followed
by moderate infection level with 89.98% in males and a low infection level with 82.23%
in females. Parasites of male alpacas showed greater resistance to anthelmintic
88.78%, being
Strongylus spp the most resistant with 78.66%, followed by
chavezi with 79.62%. Ovoposition reduction lower than 80 % (high resistances) was
25%, 10% and 10% for low infection levels, moderate and high, respectively. Medium
resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes was 28.33% for
Stroggylis spp, Nematodirus
spp and
Lamanema chavezi.
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