2013, Number 3
Knowledge of the specialist and residents of Natural and Traditional Medicine on the clinical researches
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 226-233
PDF size: 51.22 Kb.
The Natural and Traditional Medicine has entered a new developmental stage with the increase in the requests of its therapeutic alternatives. We carried out a crossed descriptive research, through which we identified the learning necessities of 20 doctors, between specialist and residents of Traditional and Natural Medicine, about the main aspects of clinical researches. There is a lack of knowledge on the main phases and bases of a clinical research and on the important ethical aspects for being a research in human beings, showing the lack of knowledge on the theme. It is unavoidable to promote a culture of clinical researches among the doctors working in the area of Traditional and Natural Medicine. This will allow increasing the quality and speed of these researches development in Cuba.REFERENCES
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