2013, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (3)
Macrodystrophia lipomatosa. Case presentation
Mena PR, Brito CM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 329-335
PDF size: 65.05 Kb.
Introduction: Macrodistrofia Lipomatosa (ML) consists of a disproportionate increase of the fibro adipose tissue in one or more fingers or toes. This congenital anomaly is more often present in the territory supplied by the median nerve in the upper limbs and the plantar nerve in the lower limbs. Its causes are not clear yet.
Objective: report a case of an infant suffering ML and paternal family history of deformity Greek foot like.
Case presentation: 11 months male infant, attending the practice of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Integral Diagnose Center (IDC) «Concepcion», Cañada de Urdaneta Municipality, State of Zulia, Venezuela suffering an exaggerated growth of the second left toe and a slight increase of the first toe.
Discussion: ML is an uncommon malformation that may appear both in lower and upper limbs, and it might mislead diagnose, producing confusion with other ailments, being necessary a proper differential diagnose.
Conclusion: it is important the assessment of every case by a medical team compose of Pediatricians and Geneticists in order to properly define diagnose and therapy.
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