2013, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2013; 21 (2)
Clinical Practice Guidelines Nursing Interventions in the patient with Preeclampsia / Eclampsia
Barrera-Cruz A, Mancilla-García ME, Román-Maeda SY, Rodríguez-Loreto E, Villaláz-Ureña A
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 91-104
PDF size: 268.54 Kb.
Introduction: preeclampsia is a major pregnancy-associated hypertensive disease, which complicates
between 7 to 10% of pregnant women. This multifactorial disease of unknown etiology and irreversible
involves multiple organs and it is the cause of a signifi cant proportion of maternal and perinatal deaths.
Objective: to provide nursing staff a set of recommendations based on the best scientifi c evidence
available, to identify risk factors, warning signs and symptoms of preeclampsia during prenatal and
postpartum care of patient with preeclampsia / eclampsia.
Methods: structured clinical questions were raised in relation to risk factors, diagnosis, prenatal and postpartum
care of patient with preeclampsia / eclampsia. The process of developing the guide was mixed
(de novo adaptation/development). The information search was made on specifi c sites of Clinical Practice
Guidelines and PubMed, limited to papers published in the last 10 years, in English or Spanish. MeSH
terms were used based on keywords: preeclampsia, nursing intervention, preeclampsia risk, preeclampsia
prevention, postpartum preeclampsia. The strength of the evidence (E) and the grade of recommendation
(G) is expressed in each of the interventions according to established classifi cation systems.
Conclusion: preeclampsia is a serious public health problem in Mexico, which increases maternal
and perinatal morbidity and mortality, as well as causing serious socio-economic implications. Early
identifi cation of maternal and environmental risk factors for preeclampsia / eclampsia, may decrease
the odds of developing this syndrome and prevent progression to more severe forms.
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