2005, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2005; 13 (3)
Mobbing, a latent psychosocial risk in the nursing work
Juárez-García A, Hernández-Mendoza E, Ramírez-Páez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 153-160
PDF size: 102.87 Kb.
Mobbing or psychological abuse is a type of verbal or modal maltreat that in a chronic and frequent manner, a worker received from co-workers (boss or peers), those who through hostile behaviors, try to make the victim to quit and/or psychologically destroy him.
The consequences of mobbing are devastating in the individual and social level. It has been emphasized that the first to prevent it is making extensive information of this phenomenon to vulnerable populations. For that reason, the purpose consists on let the nursing community know the Mobbing phenomenon, within a Mexican framework. In the text, it is explained its definition, characteristics, differences with other psycho-social variables and their consequences to different levels.
Particularly, it is showed that this is one of the most frequent psycho-social risks among nurses, because of the presence of its own characteristics which facilitate its incidence, but it seems sub-identified and sub-estimated in our country. It is necessary an intervention at individual and institutional level, with especial emphasis on the participation of nursing group members.
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