2013, Number 2
Behaviour of pain in patients operated on for dental implant surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: Dental implants have improved life expectancy and quality of life in patients, by installing titanium posts in lost dental organs. After implant surgery, patients have varying degrees of pain related to surgical trauma.Objective: To determine the behavior of pain intensity in patients during postoperative stages and its relationship to some surgical variables at the stage of greatest pain.
Methods: It was performed a descriptive, longitudinal study on 38 patients of both sexes who underwent dental implant surgery during the month of June 2008 at the Surgery Clinic of the Stomatology Faculty of Havana Medical University, being evaluated the pain intensity in the first 72 hours after surgery using a visual analog scale.
Results: The study found that during the stage of greatest pain, there was a trend to the prevalence of moderate and severe pain related to jaw implants and the number of implants placed, with no relation to the duration of surgery.
Conclusions: The number of implants placed and mandibular location thereof, are factors that influence pain symptoms.
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