2013, Number 2
Behavior and surgical outcome of inguinal hernia
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: hernial disease has a high prevalence in the general surgical activity.Objective: to know the behavior of inguinal hernia and its treatment modalities in the surgical environment.
Methods: It was carried out a retrospective, analytical and transversal study which included inguinal hernia surgeries performed at “Aleida Fernández Chardiet” Teaching General Hospital in Güines municipality, Mayabeque province, during the years 2001 to 2005. The sample was comprised by 750 patients operated on for groin hernias. It was analyzed age, sex, the surgical technique used, and the general reproductive rate.
Results: A prevalence for inguinal hernias of 33.4% was found in relation to the total of interventions performed. 86.6% of cases were male, predominantly the age group between 40-60 years. The Nyhus-Condon technique was the most used one followed by other facial techniques, prosthetic techniques were only used in 8%. The relapse rate (recurrence) was 16.6% for this last.
Conclusions: Comparing an analysis effectuated between inguinal hernias operated in 2010 it was also found male predominance, and the most affected age group (40-60). The Nyhus-Condon technique remained the most commonly used, however, there was an increased use of prosthetic techniques (21.8%). The 72.7% of the cases were operated under local anesthesia, and the relapse rate for prosthetic techniques dropped to 0% and 0.8% for facial or classic ones.
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