2013, Number 2
Maternal nutritional status and its relation to low birth weight
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: low birth weight constitutes the main maternal and child health problem in Boyeros municipality, so its reduction is a priority.Objective: to determine the influence of maternal nutritional status on its appearance in 2010.
Methods: it was performed a descriptive and retrospective study. The sample consisted of the 78 mothers of children born weighing less than 2500 g, those carrying multiple pregnancies were excluded. The variables studied were: infant birth weight, maternal age, nutritional assessment in early pregnancy and weight gain at the end of pregnancy.
Results: 67.9 % of the children had a weight above 1500 g, 24.4 % of mothers were between 25- 29 years. The 44 % of children born with very low birth weight came from mothers classified as overweight and obese, while in those undernourished it only occurred in 20 %. Mothers with adequate and exaggerated gain were responsible for the largest number of children weighing less than 1500 g and over 50 % of those who had an exaggerated gain were mothers classified as overweight and obese in early pregnancy.
Conclusions: it is concluded that excessive weight gain during pregnancy, was the predominant risk factor in low birth weight children.
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