2013, Number 2
Misoprostol in two forms of administration for cervical dilatation in instrumented abortion
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: misoprostol is an extremely useful product to be used as abortive drug, it has a high margin of safety when prescribed at adequate doses and with a proper medical supervision.Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of misoprostol in the dilation of the cervix in instrumented abortion in pregnant women up to 9 weeks.
Methods: it was conducted an experimental study, between January and December 2011, at "Ivan Portuondo" General Teaching Hospital of San Antonio de los Baños municipality, Artemisa province, which compares two forms of administration of 400 mcg of misoprostol. The universe consisted of a total of 620 patients, of which 224 formed the sample.
Results: 113 patients were vaginally treated and 111 sublingually, 202 cases had an effective dilatation and 22 cases behaved ineffectively. In more than 2/3 parts of the cases, the time required for termination was normal, followed by those prolonged to 16.1% and finally, those who had a short surgical time with 11.6 %. Side effects that occurred more frequently were fever and chills in the case of the sublingual administration over 50%. Conclusions: prior administration of 400 mcg of misoprostol in instrumented abortion, proved to be more effective for cervical dilation when placed vaginally in contrast to sublingually.
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