2013, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (2)
Positive and Negative Affectivity on Elders with or within mix or anxiety depressive symptoms
Torres HL, Martín CM, Pérez DR, Riquelme MA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: anxiety and depression are frequent alterations difficult to diagnose on elders. For
differentiation and explaining Bifactor Model has been proposed by Clark & Watson (1991) proving
its use on other age- groups and countries, but without evidence of researches in Cuba.
Objective: the aim of the work is to identify the relationship between positive affectivity (PA) and
negative affectivity (NA) on elders with or within mix or anxiety depressive symptoms.
Methods: It is a correlative, transversal and descriptive study done on two thousand forty-nine
elders (sixty years old or more) with or within anxiety or depressive symptoms ;that were studied
with Anxiety and Depression Scale of Goldberg(ADSG), Inventory of Positive and Negative
Affective (PNA)and a questionnaire for the Social demographic and Health variables. Ethical
principles and descriptive statistical were taken into consideration, as well as Invariable ANOVA
and de T test Student for the analysis of the information.
Results: Significant differences among the elders with or within PA and NA were found. The
persons without disorders presented a high level of PA and a minor level of NA. The depressed
elders presented significant PA and NA low levels according to the ones that suffered from anxiety
or mix symptoms.
Conclusions: Relationship between Positive affective (PA) and Negative affective (NA) were
identified on elders with or within mix or anxiety depressive symptoms with particularities for
themselves. Validation of the instruments used is recommended for its value on the clinical practice
on Cuban elders.
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