2013, Number 1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2013; 26 (1)
Methods for the calculation of the intraocular lens power after corneal refractive surgery
Pérez CEC, Rodríguez RD, Veitía RZA, Martín PY, Méndez DAM, Rodríguez SB
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 144-156
PDF size: 65.43 Kb.
The intraocular lens implant marked a great breakthrough in the cataract surgery,
allowing the optimization of the refractive results of the patients. Intraocular lens
power calculation has greatly improved during recent years. However, achieving the
emetropia in some situations has become a real challenge for surgeons, because the
number of cataract patients, who go every day to the ophthalmological service with
previous cornel refractive surgery, is increasing. The calculation of the intraocular lens
power for those eyes that have experienced corneal refractive surgery will be a
matter under permanent discussion until we can rely on a method capable of directly
measuring the corneal power following radial keratotomy or photoablative procedures.
As an alternative for treating these patients, several authors have added multiple
algorithms to avoid the refractive surprise. A literature review was made with the aim
of describing the main methods to calculate the intraocular lens power post corneal
refractive surgery depending on the available data.
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