2012, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2012; 2 (1)
Factors of the sheep, the lamb and the environment associated with mortality of the lambs
Díaz MEA, Martínez GS, Moreno FLA, Jaramillo LE, Gómez DAA, Salgado MS
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 41-46
PDF size: 268.92 Kb.
One of the problems of sheep breeding is the lamb mortality, this caused by various
factors associated with the sheep, the lamb and the environment. It was found that the
factors that affect mortality directly or indirectly are as follows: 1) the body condition,
age, breed, calving ease and mothering ability of the ewe. 2) the birth weight, inanitionexposure
syndrome, number of offspring at birth, genotype, genetic malformations and
sex of the offspring. 3) no room for calve, lack of handling, infectious agents, predators,
climatic stress and season of birth. It is conclude that the cause of lamb mortality is
multifactorial and occurs by negligence of professionals, technicians and sheep farmers.
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