2013, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2013; 39 (3)
Behavior of ectopic pregnancy
Moya TC, Pino PFV, Borges FR, Aguiar DR, Olano TY, Espinosa FML
Language: Spanish
References: 23
PDF size: 159.99 Kb.
Introduction: ectopic pregnancy (EP) is the implementation of the conception product
outside the endometrial cavity.
Objective: to describe the behavior of ectopic pregnancy in Mártires del 9 de Abril
University Hospital in Sagua la Grande from 2008 to 2011.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. The sample was made up
by 140 patients out of all patients received at Gynecology service at the designated
time period with confirmed diagnosis of EP. Statistical records and clinical histories
were reviewed, and a model for recording information was used.
Results: there is a high incidence of EE at ages ranging 20-39 years, with previous
deliveries in urban areas. EIP was the main predisposing factor; the most significant
symptoms were amenorrhea, pain in lower abdomen and genital bleeding. The
diagnosis was mainly clinical. The most common location was tubal. Salpingectomy
was the most common surgical procedure. There were no maternal deaths. Anemia
and hypovolemic shock were the most common complications. Hospital stay was less
than three days.
Conclusions: in Sagua la Grande municipality, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy has
increased from 2008 to 2011 and there is no reported maternal death from this cause
in that period. Seve out of the women were clinically diagnosed. Almost a fifth of
women with ectopic pregnancy were middle-aged and eight out of 100 were
adolescents, younger than 20 years.
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