2013, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (2)
Community - Acquired Pneumonias
Fuentes CMA, Sarduy PMA, Cintra CD, Presno LMC, Barnes DJA, Pérez PJA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
PDF size: 73.60 Kb.
Background: community-Acquired Pneumonias are an important health problem in
the world and our country is not exempted from them. There is a high morbidity and
mortality from this cause, being pneumonias the fourth cause of death in Cuba.
Objective: to deepen in the knowledge of Community-Acquired Pneumonias to
contribute to improve the quality of the attention of these patients in Primary Health
Development: we made emphasis on the aspects related to the concept,
pathogenesis, diagnosis, evolution and prognosis including the correct evaluation of
the patient, the management of the disease and the current recommended treatment
in accordance with our possibilities and the habitual praxis in our environment. Finally,
we also made emphasis on the criteria for referral to other health care level, after the
correct follow-up of the infectious process in the community.
Conclusions: community-Acquired Pneumonias constitute a common and frequent
health problem which should be properly faced from the Primary Health Care by the
medical staff. The aid of practical guidelines and prognostic scales contributes to
improving the quality in the attention of these patients, from the family doctor's offices
to the patient who is admitted to home or hospital.
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