2013, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (2)
Environmental and genetic factors associated to paranoid schizophrenia in '28 de septiembre' health area
Núñez CAC, Frómeta MC, Hechavarria ED
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Background: schizophrenia is an illnes that is marked by a variable expressiveness
wihc suggests the existence of heterogeneus etiological factors and physiopathological
processes. A hypothesis of gene-enviroment interaction is being considered as it main
way of transmission.
Objetive: to determine the possible enviroment and genetic factors associated with
the illness onset.
Methods: it carriedout an analytical-observational study of cases and controls on the
area"28 de Septiembre" of Santiago de Cuba during the four month period of januaryapril
of 2011.It included 40 patients with a diagnosis of paranoic schizophrenia
recorded on the Psychiatrist service selected randomly stratified by sex, as well as 80
controls without this diagnosis to determine the possible enviromental and genetic
factors that could have influenced on the appearance of the disease. Chi square test
was applied and the relative opportunity (
odds ratio) by trist interval.
Results: the civil status of single resulted significative at the appearing and three
quarters of the cases studied presented a stressing went at the beginning of the
disease. there was an asociation of the familiar antecedents of the affection in the
cases. It was recorded a greater percentage affected persons in familiar of first degree
in both groups difference that resulted to be more significative on the cases. It was
also observed familiar addition of the affection more frequent on the cases than of the
Conclusions: it was demonstrated that there is an association of the family
antecedents of the illness in all the cases. There was more percent of affected people
in first degree families in both groups. Family illness aggregation was observed.
Prenatal antecedents increase the risk and pre-morbid patterns since childhood were
hightly significant.
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