2013, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (2)
Determination of social and demographic factors related to the success or failure of knee prosthesis surgery
Arévalo VF, Fernández OMÁ, Ponce RER, Cruz SDX
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 95.30 Kb.
Objective: To determine the social and demographic factors associated with the
success or failure (complications), of knee prosthesis surgery, from January 2009 to
December 2010, at the Regional Hospital Adolfo López Mateos (ISSSTE), in Mexico.
Design: Descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional study. Population: post-surgery
knee prosthesis patients.
Method: 240 patients operated of knee prosthesis surgery records were studied; of
which, only 155 met the inclusion criteria. The information was entered into the Excel
and SPSS 20 program, carrying out analysis of frequencies, variability, correlation and
multivariate technique of discriminant analysis.
Results: From a population of 155 patients, 30 (19.3 %) presented complications.
From the nine variables only two showed a statistical significance: at the age of 48
(31%), with p‹ -0.001 and Gamma - 0.702, indicated a good correlation, the older the
lesser complications shown. The occupation with 53 assets (34.2 %), with p‹ 0.001
and Eta 0. 301, indicated a low correlation, to greater activity the more complications
shown. There was no conclusive result in the MBI.
Conclusions: Young and active patients have major complications. Obesity has a
relative influence.
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