2012, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2012; 28 (2)
Adolescent pregnancy prevention
Vaillant CM, Dandicourt TC, Mackensie SY
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 125-135
PDF size: 69.71 Kb.
Introduction: in "Dr. Diego Tamayo" Polyclinic of Old Havana Municipality, in
Havana, it was detected a high incidence of pregnancy in adolescence, fact that
worried given the impact that this has on the development of adolescents.
Objective: to identify the knowledge of adolescents on the prevention of
pregnancy at this stage of life.
Methods: a descriptive study, observational type, cross-section was made, in the
period July/2010 October/2011. We worked with a group of 125 adolescents who
attended the consultation of menstrual regulation, which met the inclusion criteria.
A questionnaire was applied, where the information obtained allowed to know the
knowledge of adolescents with respect to the subject under study, the collected
data were reflected in appropriate tables adapted to each analyzed variable.
Results: the highest percent of the surveyed teenagers began their sexual
relations between 14 and 16 years old. The way to access the most are the
relatives, followed by the TV and friends. As far as the social connotations
attributed by the teenagers to the pregnancy it was found that they identified
complications in pregnancy or childbirth as one of the problems that come with
pregnancy at an early age.
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