2013, Number 2
Characteristics associated with dentoalveolar trauma in upper incisor teeth
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: traumas of front teeth are frequent events which, because of their social and psychological impact, should be considered a topic of paramount importance. This fact motivated the authors to conduct the study.Objectives: to identify the characteristics associated with dental fractures in permanent upper incisors in students who went to the Stomatology Service of "Lazo de la Vega" Primary School in Marianao Municipality in the year 2009.
Method: an analytical study was conducted in 235 students from 7 to 12 years of age who were enrolled in the school mentioned above who presented to the consultation. The variables studied were: age, sex, presence of deforming buccal habits, type of dental fracture and traumatized incisor teeth. Absolute frequency, the rate/100 risk, and the relative risk (RR) through the ratio among risks were calculated and the Pearson's X2 statistics was applied for the association among variables.
Results: the most affected age group was from 10 to 12 years with a 23.4 %, predominating the male sex due to a RR 2.47 times higher than the female sex. The non complicated crown fracture was the most frequent one with a 61.8 %, the most affected tooth is the left upper central incisive, with a 51.4 %. The risk difference between the age groups was not significant, although in relation to the sex, the differences are highly significant.
Conclusions: there was a marked predominance of the uncomplicated fractures and the upper central incisors, particularly the left ones.
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