2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2013; 52 (2)
Fournier's gangrene
Fuentes VE, Núñez RA, Kapaxi AJ, Fernandes CY
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: Fournier's gangrene is a rare and serious disease, which is
characterized by necrotizing, synergistic and polymicrobial fasciitis and maintains high
Objective: to contribute to a better knowledge about the individual diagnosis,
treatment and prognosis of this rare disease.
Methods: Seven patients who were treated from February 2010 to April 2011 were
studied. Demographic data, associated diseases, etiology, treatment, complications
and mortality were evaluated as well as the time with probe and hospital stay.
Results: the patients were men with a mean age of 43, 3 years; the youngest was 30
years old and the oldest was 49. The associated diseases were: acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (2), diabetes mellitus (1), and hypertension (1). The
origins were perineal (4) and scrotal (3). Three patients reported to have perineal
fistulas or abscesses. The time of evolution fluctuated between 6 and 30 days. Clinical
manifestations were characterized by pain, increase in volume in perineal or scrotal
regions or both and fetid secretion. Crepitation was found when the disease occupied
the inguinal regions and the abdominal wall. Surgical treatment required debridement
and digestive derivations (colostomy), urinary derivations (cytostomy) or both. The
number of interventions varied between three and seven. Surgical reconstruction of
the perineum and scrotum was practiced, using skin grafts in the survivors. Three
patients (42.9 %) presented complications: septic shock, multiple organ failure and
late urethral stricture (1). A patient who had been admitted with manifestations of
septic shock died (14.3 %).
Conclusions: the success of the treatment is achieved with the early diagnosis, early
aggressive surgical debridement, and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
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