2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2013; 52 (2)
Portie I technique of Biliopacreatic diversion for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity
Portie FA, Acosta SM, Navarro SG, Lozada CM, Durán TG, Sánchez LM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 203.82 Kb.
Introduction: obesity is considered an epidemic nowadays. Though it has several
ways of treatment, surgery has been proved to be the best option.
Objective: to show Portie I technique for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity and
its most frequent comorbidities.
Methods: a prospective and descriptive longitudinal study is conducted between
January 2000 and January 2012, in which 683 patients with morbid obesity treated
with the Portie I surgical technique were included. Different types of obesities and the
associated comorbodities were evaluated to set the appropriate surgical strategy. Postsurgical
results and classifications of early and late complications are presented.
Results: prevalence of 465 female patients over 268 male patients was significant,
meanwhile comorbidity was 66 (9.6 %), mortality was 4 (0.5 %), weight loss was over
80 % in 75 % of the total of cases by the end of 5 years after surgery. Average
surgical time was 3.5 hours. (Ranking 2.74.3 hours).
Conclusions: the technique of biliopacreatic diversion is an effective and safe surgical
option in the management of morbid obesity.
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