2013, Number 09
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MediSan 2013; 17 (09)
Therapeutic characterization of patients with lip and palate malformations
Cisneros DG, Castellanos OB, Romero GLI, Cisneros DCM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 5019-5027
PDF size: 292.98 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 98 patients
with lip and palate malformations, attended by the multidisciplinary team of Southern
Children Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January 2000 to the same month of 2009,
in order to characterize them from the therapeutic point of view. Elastic bandages as
presurgical orthopedic therapy (43.4%) prevailed in the case material. Likewise,
palatorrhaphies followed by cheilonasorraphies were in correspondence with the type
of malformation and the set time. The postoperative malocclusion prevailed in
moderate (53.4%) to severe (28.6%) forms, associated with a greater number of
anatomical structures involved. In the postoperative orthodontic treatment removable
appliances (81.9%) were mainly used and it was related to the age of patients treated.
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