2012, Number 2
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2012; 13 (2)
Efficacy of the aquatic program with hydrokinesitherapy and Halliwick techniques in children with meningomyelocele with functional level L3 or lower
Calderón-Porras SE, Mancilla-Ramírez A, Rolón-Lacarriere OG
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 86-92
PDF size: 183.24 Kb.
Introduction: The main therapeutic effects of aquatic
exercise and physical therapy programs are
improvement and preservation of joint range of motion,
muscle endurance and strength, gait training and
improvement of emotional state. The Halliwick method
consists of obtaining a balanced posture by
progressive organized movement requiring a major
rotational component to obtain the patient’s
conscientious control of movement.
Objective: To
evaluate the efficacy of an aquatic program in
children aged 2 to 10 years with meningomyelocele
and functional level L3 or lower.
Methods: This is an
open-label experimental study. Muscle contractures,
strength and lordotic index were evaluated by means
of validated clinical scales.
Results: A total of 20
children (13 boys and 7 girls) were studied, 16 had an
L3 functional level and the rest in functional levels L4
and L5. Compared with baseline clinical evaluation,
a statistical significant improvement was observed in
muscle contractures (p = 0.015), muscle strength (p =
0.001) and posture (lordotic index) (p = 0.02).
Conclusion: The hydrokinesitherapy and Halliwick
programs impact positively on patients with
meningomyelocele and functional level L3 or lower, as
is shown by improvements in muscle contractures,
lordotic index and muscle strength.
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