2013, Number 1
Resultados de la atención a gestantes con preeclampsia grave en Villa Clara (2009-2010)
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: Preeclampsia represents a risk for the mother and for the product of the conception.Objectives: To describe the results of the expectant women´s care with severe preeclampsia in Villa Clara during 2009 and 2010 years.
Methods: A descriptive study of transversal type was carried out in 238 expectant women admitted at the special perinatal care´s ward of the Gynecological and Obstetric University Hospital “Mariana Grajales”, who were diagnosed with severe preeclampsia between January, 2009 and December, 2010.
Results: A number of 109 women (71,0 %), between 20 and 35 years old was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. The average age was of 27, 3 years and nulliparity predominated (60,51 %). The 47,90 % of expectant women gave birth before the 37 weeks of pregnancy and the 43,27 % had newly born with a weight inferior to 2500 g; 15 of them weight less than 1000 grams (6,30 %).There were no considerable maternal and perinatal complications. The main maternal complications were persistent hypertension during puerperium (13,02 %) and retroplacental hematoma (9,24 %); as well as, main neonatal complications were low birth weight in 43,27 %, hypocalcaemia in 17,64 % and sepsis in 8,40 %. During this period there were not reported maternal deaths in the province.
Conclusions: Severe preeclampsia care resulted in a minimum of maternal and perinatal complications and it was an important factor for the preservation of mother´s life with this suffering.
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